Apple Include iPhone Chargers with the iPhone 12 box inBrazil.

A close-up of a cell phone next to a charger. The cell phone is an Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max. The charger is a white Apple charger.

The iPhone 12 may have a charger in the box.

Apple decided to remove the charger from the new iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, and iPhone 12 Pro Max boxes. When you buy the new iPhone from Apple, you will get only one Lightning cable and the iPhone unit. This will apply to all countries except France. Due to law, all manufacturing companies must provide chargers and earphones with the box. By rule, Apple is now required to include a charger in the box in Brazil.

The Sao Paulo state of Brazil has ordered Apple to include a charger with the box. This will apply to all Apple phones sold in Sao Paulo State. However, the National Consumer Secretary of Brazil enforces this order countrywide. Apple was required to include the charger in the box where the court order was valid.

With the decision to avoid chargers, Apple says it will reduce carbon emissions. Since customers already have old chargers, those can be used for charging. Apple is also not offering the same technical support for those using third-party chargers. The original Apple charger is expensive compared to third-party chargers; these chargers also cause premature aging of the battery of this expensive phone.

Anyone who buys an iPhone for the first time must buy a new charger. This will definitely increase the sales of the charger. Which in turn results in more production and increased carbon emissions, which questions the logic of Apple. If you have an old iPhone charger that supports the iPhone 12, then that's fine. But if you own an iPhone XR, then you definitely need to buy a brand new charger for the iPhone 12, which definitely drains your pocket.

A Charger is a vital part of any phone, like a tire on a vehicle. Without the vital part, you can’t use the product. So, the other countries may follow the path of France and Brazil. Which will definitely result in a reduced profit for Apple.
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