LiDAR scanner in Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

LiDAR scanner for Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing technology used to measure distances and create detailed 3D maps of objects, landscapes, and environments. It works by producing laser light pulses and measuring how long it takes for these pulses to reflect off objects and return to the sensor. This information is then used to calculate distances and create accurate 3D representations of the scanned area.

Here's a breakdown of how LiDAR works:

Emission of Laser Pulses: A LiDAR system emits rapid and short laser pulses towards the target area. These pulses contain light energy, often in the form of infrared (IR) light. The laser pulses are emitted in quick succession.

Reflection: When the laser pulses hit an object or surface, they are reflected back towards the LiDAR sensor.

Time of Flight Measurement: The LiDAR sensor measures the time it takes for the emitted laser pulses to travel to the target and return. Since the speed of light is constant, the time taken for the round-trip journey can be converted into a distance measurement.

Data Collection: By recording the time it takes for each laser pulse to return and calculating the corresponding distance, the LiDAR sensor creates a "point cloud" of data. A point cloud is a collection of individual data points in three-dimensional space, each representing a specific location on an object or surface.

Generating 3D Maps: These individual data points are combined to create a highly accurate and detailed 3D map or model of the scanned area. This map can represent the shapes, contours, and distances of objects and surfaces within the environment.


The LiDAR scanner on the iPhone 12 Pro Max is a small, but powerful sensor that uses light to measure distances. It can create a 3D map of your surroundings, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

Autofocus: The LiDAR scanner can help the iPhone 12 Pro Max focus more quickly and accurately in low-light conditions. This is because the LiDAR scanner can measure the distance to objects even when there is not enough light for the camera to see them.

Night mode portraits: The LiDAR scanner can also be used to improve Night mode portraits. In Night mode, the iPhone 12 Pro Max takes multiple photos at different exposures and combines them to create a single image with less noise. The LiDAR scanner can help the iPhone to better determine the distance to the subject of the portrait, which can lead to sharper images with better depth of field.

AR apps: The LiDAR scanner can be used to power a variety of AR apps. For example, you can use the LiDAR scanner to measure the dimensions of a room or object, or to create 3D models of your surroundings.

AR games: The LiDAR scanner can also be used to power AR games. For example, you can use the LiDAR scanner to play games where you have to shoot targets or dodge obstacles in your real-world environment.

The LiDAR scanner is a powerful new feature that can be used to improve a variety of iPhone experiences. It is still early days for LiDAR, but it is clear that this technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we use our phones.

Here are some additional details about how the LiDAR scanner works on the iPhone 12 Pro Max:

The LiDAR scanner is located in a small black circle next to the rear cameras.

The LiDAR scanner projects a beam of light that bounces off of objects and returns to the sensor.

The sensor measures the time it takes for the light to travel to the object and back, which can be used to calculate the distance to the object.

The LiDAR scanner can create a 3D map of your surroundings by measuring the distance to millions of points.

The LiDAR scanner can be used in conjunction with the iPhone's cameras to improve autofocus, night mode portraits, and AR experiences.

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